Labor Mobility and Geographic Changes Statistics – Year 2023 – Spain

In the latest release of labor mobility and geographical change statistics for the year 2023 from Spain’s “Última Nota de Prensa,” significant insights into the dynamics of the Spanish workforce have emerged.

Labor Mobility Overview

The report reveals that 2.6% of employed individuals in the first quarter of 2023 have relocated to a different municipality within the past year. A noteworthy observation is that the majority of these individuals chose to remain within the same province, indicating regional mobility rather than long-distance relocations. Even more striking, nearly one in three workers, comprising 28.9% of the workforce, has maintained their municipality of residence since birth, demonstrating a stable local population.

Contract Type Influence

Examining employment contracts, the study found a correlation between contract type and mobility. Approximately 4.2% of salaried employees with temporary contracts changed their municipality of residence within the last year. This percentage stands in contrast to the 2.4% of those with permanent contracts who reported similar relocations. These findings suggest that the nature of one’s employment contract can significantly impact their willingness or ability to relocate.

Geographic Changes by Nationality – 2023

The statistics further segment changes in municipality of residence based on nationality, shedding light on the experiences of both Spanish and foreign workers:

  • Total Employed: The data indicates a total of 20,452.8 thousand employed individuals, with 17,737.4 thousand being Spanish and 2,715.4 thousand being foreigners.
  • Employed Individuals Who Changed Residence in the Last Year: Among these, 531.1 thousand were Spanish, 329.4 thousand were foreigners, and 201.7 thousand belonged to other nationalities.
  • Total Unemployed: There were 3,127.8 thousand unemployed individuals, with 2,453.0 thousand being Spanish and 674.8 thousand being foreigners.
  • Unemployed Individuals Who Changed Residence in the Last Year: Of these, 138.6 thousand were Spanish, 57.8 thousand were foreigners, and 80.8 thousand were from other nationalities.

These figures underscore the diversity of Spain’s labor force and the various factors influencing mobility among different segments of the population.

Long-Term Trends

To provide context, the report includes historical data on the total number of employed individuals from 2011 to 2023, showing gradual growth in the workforce over the years.

In conclusion, the 2023 labor mobility statistics highlight the evolving nature of Spain’s workforce, influenced by factors such as contract type and nationality. The data offers valuable insights for policymakers, employers, and researchers seeking to understand and address labor mobility trends in the country.



