UK Public Opinions and Social Trends: 6 to 17 September 2023

In the latest survey conducted between September 6th and 17th, 2023, among adults in Great Britain, several key issues continue to shape public opinions and social trends.

Cost of Living Remains a Top Concern The cost of living remains the foremost concern for the majority of respondents, with a staggering 90% of adults identifying it as an important issue. This is followed by concerns over the National Health Service (NHS) at 82%, the economy at 70%, climate change and the environment at 61%, and housing at 58%.

Rising Cost of Living A significant 56% of adults reported that their cost of living had increased compared to the previous month. Only 2% reported a decrease, while 42% claimed it had remained stable.

Impact on Daily Expenses Among those experiencing increased living costs, 95% reported higher food prices, 60% cited increased fuel expenses, and 53% noted elevated gas or electricity bills.

Adjustments to Cope Respondents are making adjustments to cope with these rising costs. Around 69% are cutting back on non-essential spending, 50% are shopping more selectively, 47% are conserving energy, and 46% are reducing their grocery bills and essentials spending.

Rent and Mortgage Challenges Among individuals paying rent or mortgages, 43% revealed that their payments had increased in the past six months. Of these, 42% found it somewhat or very difficult to afford these payments. This represents a notable increase from the same period one year ago when 35% faced similar difficulties.

Energy Bill Concerns Regarding energy bills, 42% of adults expressed challenges in affording them. Although this percentage is slightly lower than the previous year, it still highlights concerns about the affordability of essential utilities.

These findings illustrate the pressing issues facing Great Britain’s population, with the cost of living, housing, and financial pressures featuring prominently in public opinion. As the nation navigates these challenges, it remains to be seen how government policies and societal responses will evolve to address these concerns.



