Italy Invests Heavily in Cyber Resilience: ACN Director Bruno Frattasi Outlines Ambitious Plans

In a recent event titled “Resilience and Critical Infrastructures: Europe, Italy, and National Interest,” ACN Director General, Prefect Bruno Frattasi, shed light on Italy’s commitment to bolstering cyber resilience. The event, held on September 25 at the Polyfunctional Hall of the Prime Minister’s Office, addressed the nation’s strides in cyber resilience.

Frattasi stated, “Our country has been investing significantly in cyber resilience in recent years. Thanks to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR), we are working to strengthen the digital landscape’s readiness to respond to adverse cyber events.” He emphasized that Italy is on track to recover in this regard, with substantial investments earmarked until 2026, aligning with both the PNRR and the National Cybersecurity Strategy.

Under Mission 1 of the PNRR, Italy has allocated €623 million to cybersecurity. ACN manages these funds, directing them toward public investments in cybersecurity and the country’s overall resilience. Frattasi noted, “From 2026 to 2032, approximately €200 million annually is allocated for cybersecurity. We are certainly not dealing with scarce resources.”

The Director stressed the importance of promoting investments to support businesses in the country’s digital ecosystem, particularly those affected by the implementation of NIS2. This initiative aims to address the crucial theme of technological autonomy.

Distinguished participants in the event included General Franco Federici, military advisor to the Prime Minister, Prefect Laura Lega, Head of the Fire Department, Public Rescue, and Civil Defense, Enrico Bagnasco, CEO of Sparkle, Lorenzo Mariani, Co-General Manager of Leonardo, and Professor Roberto Setola, Scientific Director of the “Homeland Security” Master’s program at Campus Bio-Medico.

The event, moderated by Formiche Director Flavia Giacobbe, highlighted Italy’s strategic focus on cybersecurity and its collaborative efforts across various sectors.



