Regeringen Raises Maintenance Requirement for Migrant Workers in Sweden

The Swedish government has taken the decision to increase the maintenance requirement for migrant workers. The new maintenance requirement stipulates that a migrant worker must have a salary equivalent to at least 80 percent of the median wage in Sweden.

The aim of this adjustment is to curb low-skilled migrant labor, as in many cases, these roles could be filled by individuals already residing in Sweden. Additionally, the proposal seeks to combat fraud and misuse associated with migrant labor.

Maria Malmer Stenergard, the Minister for Migration, stated, “A significantly raised maintenance requirement is an important step in the government’s efforts to tighten the conditions for migrant labor. The level is intended to reduce fraud and exploitation associated with migrant labor and to encourage more individuals already in Sweden to take available jobs.”

The proposal titled “A Raised Maintenance Requirement for Migrant Workers” was approved by the Parliament on November 30, 2022 (prop. 2021/22:284). The Parliament’s approval means that the Aliens Act is amended so that a migrant worker, through their employment, must achieve a good standard of living to be granted a work permit.

The regulatory change specified by the government means that the requirement for a good standard of living is clarified. It entails that a migrant worker should have a salary amounting to at least 80 percent of the median wage published by Statistics Sweden. The proposals do not affect migrant workers from the EU. Seasonal workers from third countries who come under the Seasonal Workers’ Directive are also not affected.

Both the legislative and regulatory changes will come into effect on November 1, 2023.

This decision is the result of an agreement between the Sweden Democrats, Moderates, Christian Democrats, and Liberals.



