EU Strengthens Security and Well-being of Its Citizens: Joint Declaration in Granada

In a significant gathering in Granada, Spain, on October 6, leaders of EU member states, including Prime Minister Petteri Orpo and Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez, issued a joint statement outlining the future priorities of the European Union. Emphasizing the need to ensure the safety, economic prosperity, and social well-being of EU citizens, the leaders articulated a comprehensive vision for the years to come.

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo stated during the summit, “The EU must be a stronger geopolitical actor. This entails reinforcing the economic foundation of the EU, promoting competitiveness, leading in clean energy initiatives, and strengthening our own security and defense.”

The informal European Council meeting in Granada marked the initiation of detailed work on a strategic program for the years 2024 to 2029. Alongside fundamental principles, the joint statement addressed current issues such as the imperative to manage migration.

Leaders reiterated their commitment to supporting Ukraine and its people for as long as necessary. Additionally, they affirmed that the future of aspiring EU member states lies within the EU, framing enlargement as a geostrategic investment in peace, security, and prosperity.



