Ministry of Defense Briefing: Air and Space Force Showcase

The Air and Space Force (Armée de l’Air et de l’Espace – AAE) is set to unveil its capabilities and missions to the audience of the National Defense Higher Studies Institute and the students of the War School on Thursday, October 12, 2023, at the “Commandant Viot” Air Base in Évreux.

The day will commence with addresses from General Air Army Stéphane Mille, Chief of Staff of the Air and Space Force, and Colonel Christophe Piubeni, Commander of the Air Base 105.

Following these speeches, there will be a static exhibition showcasing the AAE’s missions. The afternoon will be dedicated to dynamic demonstrations, divided into three phases within a realistic scenario: the protection of the national territory, ensuring air superiority, and the elongation and projection of power.

The presentations, both on the ground and in the air, aimed particularly at War School students, the future military leaders, will illustrate and enhance the understanding of the operational capabilities of the Air and Space Force: a formidable force ensuring air superiority in service to the protection of the French people on the mainland and in our overseas territories. An air power that also serves France’s interests abroad (operations APAGAN, SAGITTAIRE) and distinguishes itself in the field of space.

For the Air and Space Force, this day will also be an opportunity to elaborate on how issues related to innovation, training, youth, and sustainable development are addressed within the force.

Program Schedule[1]

  • 9:00 AM: Welcome at Air Base 105 “Commandant Viot”
  • 9:20 AM: Address by General Air Army Stéphane Mille and Colonel Christophe Piubeni
  • 9:45 AM: Static exhibitions
  • 12:30 PM: Lunch break
  • 3:00 PM: Dynamic presentations
  • 5:00 PM: End of the day



