Over 40% of Autumn Grain Harvested Nationwide, Focus on Stabilizing Area and Increasing Efficiency

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs reported on October 5 that the national autumn grain harvest has reached 42.2%. Breakdown by crops indicates that more than half of the early rice has been harvested, over 40% of corn, and nearly 40% of soybeans. In regions producing winter wheat and winter rapeseed, soil moisture conditions are generally favorable. In the northwest, around 20% of winter wheat has been sown, and winter rapeseed planting is close to 50%. In the Yangtze River middle and lower reaches, winter rapeseed planting has exceeded 20%, while in the Huang-Huai-Hai and southwest regions, planting has gradually begun.

Fields are alive with the hum of harvesters as rice and other crops are brought in, painting a picture of abundance across the country.

“In the 850 acres of land I lease, 500 acres have been selected as provincial precision farming demonstration fields. Green production methods have increased my yield by 100 kg per acre this year!” said Liu Xiaobao, a large-scale farmer in Qiaodong Village, Xucheng Town, Taihu County, Anhui Province. Liu Chun, Chairman of the Modern Agricultural Machinery Professional Cooperative in Northeast Paddy Fields, Fujin City, Heilongjiang Province, explained that scientific and dense rice planting, supported by technology, has led to a bountiful harvest. “The rice spikes are large, and the grains are full. When you grab a handful, it feels weighty.”

Various regions and departments are strictly implementing the joint responsibility of the Party and the government for food security, focusing on stabilizing the planting area, increasing yields, and enhancing efficiency. The strategy of storing grain locally and using technology has been implemented in the fields. Innovative agricultural management methods, along with efforts to restructure the planting industry, are driving a promising nationwide grain harvest.




