Canada and Sweden Collaborate on Critical Resources and Green Technology

In a joint statement from the Klimat- och näringslivsdepartementet (Climate and Business Department) in Sweden and Canada’s Ministry of Innovation, Research, and Industry, ministers François-Philippe Champagne and Ebba Busch announced continued collaboration on critical raw materials, battery value chains, and new technology.

During a visit to Canada and participation in the Swedish-Canadian Innovation Days in Quebec, Minister Ebba Busch and Minister François-Philippe Champagne committed to leveraging their countries’ strategic assets – critical minerals, clean energy, and expertise – to lead in a green, digital future. The goal is to promote economic development, well-paying jobs, and achieve ambitious climate targets.

Key points from the statement include:

  1. Bilateral Cooperation: Both countries recognize complementary industries and knowledge centers with leading innovative companies. They aim to enhance bilateral cooperation to promote innovation, research, and the adoption of cleaner technologies, including Small Modular Reactors (SMRs) and their supply chains.
  2. Global Challenges: Acknowledging the geopolitical and geo-economic shifts following Russia’s actions in Ukraine and the increasing impacts of climate change, Canada and Sweden emphasize the importance of collaboration with trusted partners. They commit to deepening and broadening their bilateral efforts to address current and future challenges.
  3. Responsibility for Advanced Technologies: As pioneers in environmentally friendly steel production, critical raw materials, electric vehicle batteries, and nuclear technology like SMRs, both countries express a responsibility to encourage global adoption of advanced technologies for a stable and clean future.
  4. Growing Trade and Investments: Trade and investments between Canada and Sweden have surged, with Swedish companies like Ericsson and Northvolt making significant commitments. The collaboration extends to sectors such as green vehicle batteries and regenerative medicine, as evidenced by CCRM’s Nordic node establishment in Sweden.

Looking ahead, Canada and Sweden are committed to exploring closer collaboration to diversify their economies, enhance resilience, and minimize dependencies that could compromise their autonomy. The joint commitment to working with like-minded states globally reflects a shared vision for a thriving, fossil-free future, emphasizing the acceleration of innovative technologies for job creation and sustainable growth.



