South Korea Anticipates a 2.1% Decrease in Rice Production for 2023

The Korean Statistical Office has released the results of the Rice Production Estimate Survey for 2023. The upcoming year is expected to see a 2.1% reduction in rice production compared to the previous year, with an estimated total of 3.684 million tons.

Key Findings:

  • Cultivated Area: The total rice cultivation area is projected to decrease from 727,054 hectares in 2022 to 708,041 hectares in 2023, marking a 2.6% reduction.
  • Yield per 10a (hectare, with a milling rate of 92.9%): The expected yield per 10a is forecasted to increase slightly from 518kg in 2022 to 520kg in 2023, representing a 0.5% growth. When applying an adjusted milling rate of 90.4%, the yield is projected to rise from 504kg to 506kg.
  • Expected Production (with a milling rate of 92.9%): The anticipated total production for 2023 is 3,684 thousand tons, showing a 2.1% decline from the 3,764 thousand tons recorded in 2022. With an adjusted milling rate of 90.4%, the expected production decreases from 3,662 thousand tons to 3,585 thousand tons.

The reduction in rice production is influenced by changes in cultivation area and yield per hectare. The detailed report, available for download, provides comprehensive insights into the factors affecting rice production in South Korea for the year 2023.,204,205,206,207,210,211,11109,11113,11814,213,215,214,11860,11695,216,218,219,220,10820,11815,11895,11816,208,245,222,223,225,226,227,228,229,230,11321,232,233,234,12029,10920,11469,11470,11817,236,237,11471,238,240,241,11865,243,244,11893,11898,12031,11825,246



