Premier Li Keqiang Emphasizes Shaping New Momentum and Advantages in High-Quality Development Through Accelerated Digital Transformation in Zhejiang

Hangzhou, October 9, 2023: During his research visit to Zhejiang from October 7 to 9, Li Keqiang, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and Premier of the State Council, highlighted the need to deeply understand and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important directives on the development of the digital economy and new industrialization. Premier Li emphasized the importance of strengthening, optimizing, and expanding the digital economy from a strategic perspective to empower economic and social development and create new momentum and advantages for high-quality development.

Premier Li first visited Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd., where he examined the situation of IoT perception, artificial intelligence, big data technology products, and digital empowerment. He encouraged enterprises to set goals and innovate vigorously, acknowledging the vast prospects of digital economic development. Li Keqiang stressed the need to break through key core technologies, leverage leading enterprises to drive development, and promote the common development of small and medium-sized enterprises.

At the Qiantang District Enterprise Comprehensive Service Center, Premier Li listened to the situation of Zhejiang’s value-added reform of government services and exchanged views with business personnel and center staff. He praised Zhejiang’s practices in optimizing the business environment and promoting the development of the private economy. Premier Li emphasized the continuous optimization of government services based on enterprise needs, mobilization of social resources, and the provision of precise and efficient services to enhance the sense of achievement for enterprises and the public.

During the inspection of Hangzhou’s Westward Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, Premier Li visited Zhejiang Brainforce Technology Co., Ltd., where he learned about the company’s innovative development and watched demonstrations of brain-machine interface products for disabilities, autism, sleep disorders, and more. Premier Li highlighted the benefits of these products for the public, emphasizing the significance and value of technological innovation. He expressed hope that companies would further strengthen product research and development for better service to the health of the people.

At the Guangli Microelectronics Co., Ltd., Premier Li listened to the report on the development of Zhejiang’s integrated circuit industry and learned about the company’s technological research and development. He emphasized the need to uphold self-reliance in science and technology, promote the development of the entire industrial chain of integrated circuits, strengthen collaborative research, and enhance the independent controllability of key technologies.

During the research, Premier Li chaired a symposium, listening to speeches from relevant departments in Zhejiang and some enterprise leaders. He pointed out that the development of the digital economy is profoundly changing the way human production and life operate. Efforts should be made to vigorously promote breakthroughs in digital technology innovation, fight key battles for core technology, focus on strategic frontiers such as big data and computing industries, nurture digital industry clusters, and strive to take the lead in the new track of the digital economy.

Premier Li emphasized that the wave of digitization is also a transformative force, and it is necessary to adapt to this trend, vigorously promote digital transformation, and comprehensively empower economic and social development. Currently, it is especially important to promote new industrialization through digital transformation, highlight key areas, and vigorously promote the digital transformation of manufacturing industries. Premier Li fully affirmed Zhejiang’s achievements in economic and social development and hoped that Zhejiang would conscientiously implement the important speech spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping during his inspection in Zhejiang, continue to deepen the “Eight Eight Strategies,” be a pioneer in digital transformation, and lead in various work to continuously reach new heights.

Wu Zhenglong accompanied the research.



