People’s Bank of China (中国人民银行) Conducts 2023 Research Work Video Conference

The People’s Bank of China recently convened a video conference to discuss research work for the year 2023. The meeting provided a comprehensive review of the research system’s activities since 2022, analyzed the current economic and financial situation, and outlined key research tasks for the near future. Xuan Changneng, a member of the People’s Bank of China Party Committee and Deputy Governor, attended the conference and delivered a speech.

The conference acknowledged the diligent implementation of the Party Central Committee and the State Council’s decisions by the research business line of the People’s Bank of China. It emphasized the active engagement in crucial research and situation analysis in the economic and financial domains. Furthermore, substantial efforts were recognized in promoting the development of a green financial system and advancing regional financial reforms to strengthen financial support for regional coordinated development, resulting in new achievements in various aspects of their work.

The meeting stressed that the research business line of the People’s Bank of China should adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It called for a profound understanding of the new situation, new requirements, and new challenges facing the central bank’s research work. The conference urged the adoption of a “big research” concept, an increase in investigative research, continuous enhancement of the talent pool, and the provision of effective support for the central bank’s scientific duties through high-quality research outcomes.

Key Focus Areas:

  1. Embrace a systemic perspective, deepen forward-looking and foundational research on major issues.
  2. Continuously enhance the green financial system, ensuring effective integration between green finance and transformative finance.
  3. Adhere to the guiding principles of the new development philosophy, balancing risk prevention with financial reform, steadily advancing regional financial reforms.
  4. Center research efforts around building a new development pattern, actively promoting international economic and financial exchanges and cooperation.

Representatives from relevant departments of the People’s Bank of China, the Shanghai headquarters, and officials from provincial, autonomous region, directly administered municipality, and branch levels attended the conference.



