Vice Premier Zhang Guoqing Emphasizes Accelerated Development of Advanced Manufacturing in Fujian

Vice Premier Zhang Guoqing, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, attended the opening ceremony of the 2023 World Maritime Equipment Conference in Fujian from October 11 to 12. During his visit, he emphasized the need to vigorously develop advanced manufacturing and expedite the progress of new industrialization.

Vice Premier Zhang highlighted the significance of in-depth learning and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on new industrialization. He stressed the importance of robustly developing advanced manufacturing, accelerating the pace of new industrialization, and laying a robust material and technological foundation for the Chinese-style modernization.

Addressing the audience, Zhang Guoqing pointed out the crucial role of maritime equipment in supporting the development of the ocean economy, promoting international trade, and facilitating personnel exchanges. Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, China’s maritime equipment industry has rapidly advanced, with design and construction capabilities ranking among the world’s best.

In the new journey ahead, China aims to focus on key areas and frontiers of maritime economic development. This includes adapting to the trend of green and intelligent development in maritime equipment, promoting technological innovation and application, upgrading traditional shipping and marine oil and gas equipment, fostering the development of advanced high-end equipment, and providing more high-quality modern maritime equipment.

During his visit to Fujian, Vice Premier Zhang also conducted research at companies, including Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd (CATL), a leading new energy technology company. He toured laboratories and production lines, gaining insights into the progress and application of new products and technologies. Emphasizing the urgent need for developing advanced manufacturing, he urged the implementation of an innovation-driven development strategy, acceleration of key core technology breakthroughs, and continuous enhancement of the resilience and safety level of advanced manufacturing.

The Vice Premier called for a significant push towards the “smart transformation and digitalization” of advanced manufacturing, active promotion of green and low-carbon technologies, deep integration of modern services with advanced manufacturing, support for innovation and collaboration among large, medium, and small enterprises, and the rapid formation of competitive advanced manufacturing clusters in the market.

Zhang Guoqing stressed the importance of focusing on the forward-looking layout of industrial technological changes, consolidating the leading position of advantageous industries, striving for leadership in new areas, and cultivating and expanding new sources of development continuously.



