Danish Companies Increase Investments in the USA: Decline in Overall Foreign Investments in 2022

Danish companies made the highest number of direct investments in the USA in 2022, marking the first time the United States has taken the lead, according to the latest data. While the USA has long been the country with the most direct investments in Denmark, this represents a significant shift in Danish corporate investment strategy.

At the same time, the data reveals that the overall Danish direct investments abroad have declined for the first time in many years. Reasons for this decline include depreciations and negative value adjustments on existing investments, impacting the overall investment landscape.

Lasse Nørgård Vogelius, Principal Economist, stated: “This development marks a shifting dynamic in Danish corporate strategic investment decisions. The USA appears to be a preferred destination for Danish companies, even as overall foreign investments experience a downturn.”

The largest direct investments from Danish companies still go to the USA and Europe, with significant amounts directed toward the United Kingdom, Germany, and France. However, Luxembourg, Norway, and the Netherlands have also received substantial investments.




