Australia’s Lending Trends – September 2023

In the latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), new lending trends for September 2023 reveal a 0.6% increase in total housing commitments, reaching $25.01 billion. Notably, personal fixed term loans rose by 2.7% to $2.54 billion, while business construction loans surged by 10.5% to $2.32 billion.

Owner-occupier housing saw a marginal dip of 0.1%, totaling $16.06 billion, whereas investor housing increased by 2.0% to $8.95 billion. The number of new commitments for first home buyers rose by 0.5% nationally, reaching 9,213.

In the personal finance sector, fixed-term loans recorded a 2.7% increase, amounting to $2.54 billion. External refinancing for total housing experienced a 7.8% decrease, falling to $18.5 billion.

For comprehensive insights, refer to the ABS official release on September 2023 lending indicators.



