Italian Industrial and Construction Producer Prices – September 2023

In September 2023, Italy’s industrial producer prices increased by 0.6% on a monthly basis, while witnessing a year-on-year decrease of 14.1%, compared to -12.2% in August.

Domestic Market:

  • Prices rose by 0.8% compared to August but decreased by 18.3% annually (compared to -16.1% in the previous month).
  • Excluding the energy sector, prices declined by 0.2% on a monthly basis and 0.4% annually (compared to +0.6% in August).

International Market:

  • Prices decreased by 0.1% on a monthly basis, with equal declines in both the euro and non-euro areas.
  • Year-on-year, there was a decrease of 0.2% (-0.7% in the euro area, +0.2% in the non-euro area).

Third Quarter 2023:

  • In comparison to the previous quarter, industrial producer prices decreased by 0.6% (-0.6% in the domestic market, -0.5% in the international market).

Manufacturing Sectors:

  • Sectors with the highest annual increases include coke and refined petroleum products (+5.3% in the domestic market, +7.6% in the euro area), other manufacturing industries, machinery, and equipment repair and installation (+7.4% in the non-euro area), basic pharmaceutical products, and pharmaceutical preparations (+6.4% in the euro area), food, beverages, and tobacco industries (+4.2% in the euro area, +6.1% in the non-euro area), and textile, clothing, leather, and accessories industries (+4.4% in the domestic market).
  • Decreases were observed in metallurgy and manufacturing of metal products (-6.7% in the domestic market, -10.2% in both the euro and non-euro areas), chemicals (-8.4% in the domestic market, -6.4% in the euro area, -8.7% in the non-euro area), and wood, paper, and printing industries (-3.6% in the domestic market, -10.8% in the euro area, -4.8% in the non-euro area).

Construction Producer Prices:

  • In September 2023, prices for “Residential and Non-Residential Buildings” decreased by 0.3% monthly but increased by 0.2% annually (compared to +1.0% in August).
  • Prices for “Roads and Railways” also decreased by 0.3% monthly, with a slight year-on-year decline of -0.2% (compared to +0.3% in the previous month).

For more detailed information, the complete report can be accessed on the official website of the Italian National Institute of Statistics (ISTAT).



