India’s Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Import/Export Overview (April 2023 – March 2024)

India’s import and export landscape for crude oil and petroleum products in the fiscal year 2023-2024 is characterized by dynamic fluctuations in quantities across various categories. The data, sourced from Oil Companies and DGCIS, offers a comprehensive view of the country’s energy trade.


  • Crude Oil: The nation imported a total of 115,825,000 metric tonnes (MT) of crude oil, showcasing a consistent intake throughout the fiscal year.
  • Products: A diverse range of petroleum products witnessed imports, including LPG (8,316,000 MT), MS (446,000 MT), Naphtha (548,000 MT), HSD (20,000 MT), LOBS/Lube Oil (1,064,000 MT), Fuel Oil (4,441,000 MT), Bitumen (1,750,000 MT), Petcoke (4,696,000 MT), and other products (1,572,000 MT). The total product import summed up to 22,854,000 MT.

The cumulative import for the fiscal year stood at 138,679,000 MT, emphasizing India’s reliance on international sources for meeting its energy demands.


  • LPG, MS, Naphtha, ATF, SKO, HSD, LOBS/Lube Oil, Fuel Oil, Bitumen, Petcoke, and Other Products: India exported a total of 30,677,000 MT of petroleum products, showcasing its active participation in the global energy market.

Net Import: The net import, calculated as the difference between total imports and total exports, amounted to 108,002,000 MT, underlining the nation’s status as a significant net importer of crude oil and petroleum products.


  • LNG imports are not included.
  • Import and export figures include RIL SEZ data.
  • “Others” in import and export encompass various products, including Paraffin wax, Petroleum Jelly, Aviation Gas, MTBE, Reformate, Benzene, Hexane, MTO, Sulphur, etc.
  • Specific considerations are made for exports to Nepal and Bhutan, and average Rupee-US$ exchange rates are applied.
  • Details regarding RIL SEZ’s MS export and ATF exports by RIL are outlined for clarity.



