CERT-FR Advisory: Multiple Vulnerabilities in Moxa PT-G503

Moxa PT-G503, a widely-used SCADA system, has been found to have multiple vulnerabilities, according to a recent advisory by CERT-FR. These vulnerabilities pose risks such as bypassing security policies, compromising data integrity, and breaching data confidentiality. The affected systems include PT-G503 series versions earlier than 5.3.

The potential risks associated with these vulnerabilities include the injection of remote code (XSS), creating concerns for the broader cybersecurity landscape. Moxa has released a security bulletin containing patches to address these issues. Users are strongly advised to refer to the official documentation provided by Moxa to apply the necessary fixes and enhance the security of their systems.

This development highlights the ongoing importance of vigilance and prompt updates in critical infrastructure systems to mitigate cybersecurity risks effectively.




