Spain Introduces Experimental Multidimensional Quality of Life Indicator (IMCV)

Spain’s National Institute of Statistics (INE) has unveiled an Experimental Multidimensional Quality of Life Indicator (IMCV), designed to offer a comprehensive insight into the country’s quality of life. This indicator, currently in an experimental phase, is open to scrutiny from users, aiming to refine its methodology for potential inclusion as an official production of the INE.

The IMCV is constructed from a selection of INE’s quality indicators, providing a multidimensional perspective on the quality of life in Spain. The framework is based on 60 indicators spanning nine dimensions, creating a panoramic view of the various aspects that contribute to the overall quality of life. The goal is to enhance the accuracy and reliability of the IMCV, transforming it into a stable multidimensional quality of life indicator within the official production of the INE.

This experimental approach aligns with the commitment to continually improve the measurement of quality of life, reflecting Spain’s dedication to accurately portraying the well-being of its citizens. Users and stakeholders are encouraged to engage in the evaluation process to contribute valuable insights that will shape the final version of the IMCV.



