Canadian Centre for Cyber Security Issues Advisory on Hitachi Energy Control System Vulnerabilities

In a security advisory dated November 16, 2023, the Canadian Centre for Cyber Security (Cyber Centre) has highlighted vulnerabilities in Hitachi’s MACH SSW control systems across multiple versions.

Key Points:

  1. Product Affected: Hitachi MACH SSW – multiple versions.
  2. CISA Alert: The Cyber Centre draws attention to the advisory (ICSA-23-320-02) published by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on the same day. This advisory specifically addresses vulnerabilities in the mentioned Hitachi product.
  3. Action Required: Users and administrators are strongly advised to follow the provided web link for detailed information, execute the recommended mitigations, and promptly apply any necessary updates to ensure the security of the control systems.

This advisory underscores the collaborative efforts of cybersecurity agencies to enhance the resilience of critical infrastructure against potential cyber threats. Users of Hitachi MACH SSW control systems are urged to prioritize cybersecurity measures and stay vigilant against evolving threats.



