Indicators on Museums and Libraries in Italy

The Italian National Institute of Statistics (Istat) has released a dataset featuring 13 indicators and related baseline data, derived from census-based surveys on Museums and Similar Institutions and Library Surveys. The dataset includes 8 indicators for museums and similar institutions, and 5 for libraries. The museum data is available from 2018, while library data starts from 2019.

This dataset is one of the products outlined in the agreement between Istat and the Managing Authority of the PON “Governance and Institutional Capacity 2014-2020” project. This agreement is related to the implementation of the project “Statistical Territorial and Sectoral Information for Cohesion Policies 2014-2020,” with Istat, the Department for Cohesion Policies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, and the Agency for Territorial Cohesion as proposing entities.

The main objective of the dataset is to provide users with updated territorial indicators and data to observe and measure the results achieved by local development policies. It aims to support any reprogramming of resources and promote an informed public debate. The system is dynamic and will be updated and expanded with new annual data and indicators in the cultural sector.

Users can directly query the dataset by selecting the Sector (Museums; Libraries), Source, and Indicator of specific interest through filters. For each indicator, it’s also possible to choose the reference category, relating to the entire considered collective or a specific subset of units: museums or libraries belonging to Public/Private entities, Local Authorities, State entities, etc. (resulting in a total of 57 indicators: 40 for museums and similar institutions and 17 for libraries).

For a more in-depth analysis, users can explore and view information by Territory Type, using both traditional administrative-statistical divisions (regions, autonomous provinces, and macro-areas) and divisions linked to the last two Programming Cycles of development policies (2014-2020 and 2021-2027).

Metadata is available for a correct interpretation of the information, along with links providing direct access to Istat pages with key thematic dissemination products and public-use microdata files from the censuses of museums and libraries.



