Neptune Strike 23: Sweden Enhances Military Cooperation in Baltic Region

In mid-November, Swedish marine forces, alongside U.S. and Polish units, participated in NATO’s Neptune Strike 23 exercise in Poland. The primary focus was on leading ground-targeting combat aircraft, showcasing NATO-Sweden collaboration in the Baltic Sea area.

Key Points:

  1. Participants and Activities:
    • Swedish units, including JTAC and fire directors from Stockholms Amfibieregemente, joined U.S. and Polish forces.
    • The exercise involved ground-targeting with combat aircraft from the U.K., Poland, and Spain.
  2. Smooth Multinational Coordination:
    • Coordination with NATO-standard tactics and procedures facilitated seamless collaboration.
    • Positive experiences were gained from working with both American and Polish counterparts.
  3. Strategic Context – Baltic Sea:
    • Recent incidents, including damage to Nord Stream pipelines, emphasized the importance of defending the Baltic Sea.
    • Neptune Strike 23 demonstrated NATO’s commitment to regional defense.
  4. Joint Army-Air Force Operations:
    • The Swedish Army and Air Force collaborated effectively, enhancing inter-service cooperation.
    • Fallskärmsjägare and Swedish Air Force participation added depth to the exercise.
  5. Challenges and Success:
    • Despite the complexities, the exercise proceeded smoothly, credited to meticulous planning and execution.
    • The involvement of various nations contributed to diverse learning experiences.
  6. Future Collaborations:
    • Emphasis on ongoing collaboration and potential alliances to strengthen defense capabilities.
    • Lessons learned from working with international colleagues highlighted the value of such joint exercises.



