Economic Growth Across Finnish Regions in 2022

According to preliminary data from Statistics Finland, regional value-added, measured at constant prices, increased in a significant number of provinces in 2022. Kainuu, Lapland, and Satakunta experienced the highest growth, driven by both processing and service sectors.

Key Highlights:

  • Positive economic growth occurred in a majority of provinces in 2022.
  • Kainuu, Lapland, and Satakunta saw the highest growth in value-added in 2022.
  • Positive employment trends were observed in almost all provinces in 2022, with the most significant growth in Uusimaa.

Regional Value-Added Growth:

  • Kainuu: 11.3%
  • Lapland: 5.7%
  • Satakunta: 5.6%
  • Contractions: South Karelia (-6.2%), Kymenlaakso (-4.6%), Central Ostrobothnia (-0.7%), Kanta-Häme (-0.6%).

Sectoral Analysis:

  • Strong growth in value-added in Kainuu, Lapland, and Satakunta, driven by service and processing sectors.
  • Price increases affected sectors differently, reflected in regional variations in value-added changes.

Employment Trends:

  • Positive employment developments in almost all provinces in 2022.
  • Highest employment growth in Uusimaa; only Central Ostrobothnia experienced a decline.

Note: The data is based on Statistics Finland’s regional economic accounts for the years 2000–2022. Figures for 2022 are preliminary and subject to refinement in future releases.

Household Incomes Rise in Most Provinces in 2021

Horizontal bar chart shows the change in per capita disposable household incomes by region in 2021.

Per capita disposable household incomes increased nominally in most Finnish provinces between 2020 and 2021, with the highest growth in Uusimaa and Southwest Finland. Nationwide, disposable incomes grew by an average of 5.3%.

Key Points:

  • Uusimaa: 8.8% growth
  • Southwest Finland: 7.0% growth
  • Largest decline in Åland (-3.7%).



