Insee’s Latest Warning: Key Considerations for Businesses in France Amidst Statistical Changes

The French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (Insee) has issued an advisory highlighting crucial considerations for businesses operating in France. The advisory, embedded within its comprehensive report, addresses shifts in statistical methodologies and their implications for businesses.

Key Points:

  1. Evolving Definitions: Insee has been progressively incorporating the economic definition of enterprises into its annual business statistics since 2013. The shift, in line with Eurostat commitments, aims to provide a more accurate representation of the economic landscape. The definition, as per the Law on the Modernization of the Economy (LME) and European regulations, emphasizes the smallest combination of legal units forming an organizational unit with decision-making autonomy.
  2. Methodological Changes: The introduction of a profiling technique, termed “profilage,” helps identify relevant enterprises within groups for economic analysis. This method involves reconstructing consolidated accounts based on the LME definition, ensuring a more precise understanding of economic dynamics.
  3. Comparability Challenges: In light of adjustments in scope and methodology between successive years (N-1 and N), caution is advised when comparing data. Figures for 2020 based on the Ésane or Lifi systems, as presented in the 2022 edition, are not directly comparable with those for 2020 in the 2023 edition. Only key figures for 2020, provided at the end of each sectoral sheet, are comparable with 2021 figures, as they are recalculated based on the 2021 field and methodology.
  4. Micro-Entrepreneurs Inclusion: The 2023 edition incorporates micro-entrepreneurs into aggregates calculated from Ésane, with a marginal impact due to their limited economic weight. However, for indicators utilizing individual data (e.g., interquartile range, dispersion, distribution), micro-entrepreneurs continue to be excluded due to data limitations.
  5. Rounded Data: The advisory acknowledges that numerical data may be rounded at times. While rounded results may differ slightly from precise calculations, this practice is essential for presenting a comprehensible combination of real values.

In conclusion, businesses in France are urged to navigate these statistical nuances for accurate interpretation and decision-making. The Insee advisory serves as a guide for understanding the evolving statistical landscape and adapting to methodological changes for informed business strategies.



