Census of Annual Population – 01/01/2021 to 01/01/2023 in Spain

The annual population census for Spain covering the period from January 1, 2021, to January 1, 2023, has been released. Here are the key figures and annual variations:

  1. Total Population: 48,085,361 with an annual variation of +1.26%.
  2. Spanish Population (Españoles): 41,995,741 with a marginal annual variation of +0.04%.
  3. Foreign Population (Extranjeros): 6,089,620, experiencing a significant annual variation of +10.54%.
  4. Population Born in Spain (Nacidos en España): 39,881,155, showing a slight decline with an annual variation of -0.34%.
  5. Population Born Abroad (Nacidos en el extranjero): 8,204,206, demonstrating notable growth with an annual variation of +9.86%.
  6. Dependency Rate of Older People: 0.31, indicating the proportion of older people in the population.

These figures provide insights into the demographic dynamics of Spain over the specified period, including changes in total population, the composition of Spanish and foreign residents, and variations in birthplaces. The notable increase in the foreign population and those born abroad suggests ongoing demographic shifts within the country.




