Swedish Household Consumption 10% Above EU Average in 2022

As of 2022, Swedish households’ actual individual consumption per capita exceeded the average of the 27 EU countries by 10%, according to data from Eurostat and SCB. The spread in 2022 across the EU, Norway, Iceland, and Switzerland ranged from 38% above to 31% below the average for the 27 EU countries. Luxembourg led the list, exceeding the average by 38%, followed by Norway at 27% above.

The data also revealed Sweden’s GDP per capita in PPS (Purchasing Power Standards) was 19% above the EU27 average in 2022. Luxembourg again topped this list with a GDP per capita at 156% above the EU average, while Bulgaria was at the bottom, 38% below the EU average.

For a detailed comparison of household consumption and GDP per capita across European countries, refer to the provided table and diagrams.




