UK Household Spending Sees Q3 Dip in 2023

The latest consumer trends data for the UK, covering July to September 2023, reveals a decline of 0.5% in household spending growth (adjusted for inflation) compared to the preceding quarter. In contrast, there was a 0.7% increase in household spending compared to the same period in 2022. However, when measured against the pre-COVID-19 levels of Quarter 4, 2019, household spending exhibited a decrease of 1.6%.

Key Highlights:

  1. Household spending growth contracted by 0.5% in Q3 2023 compared to Q2 2023.
  2. Year-on-year, there was a 0.7% increase in household spending in Q3 2023.
  3. Quarter 4, 2019, pre-pandemic levels saw a 1.6% reduction in household spending.

Next Release: March 28, 2024

For a detailed breakdown of consumer trends, including current price, seasonally adjusted data, and more, refer to the official datasets released on December 22, 2023. These figures are in line with the Blue Book 2023 and provide a comprehensive overview of household final consumption expenditure (HHFCE) in the UK.



