French Services Sector Shows Slight Decline in Production in April 2023

In a recent report, the French services sector witnessed a slight decline in production during April 2023. The Index of Production in Services (IPS) recorded a value of 131.2, indicating a 0.5% decrease compared to the previous month. However, there was a 0.1% growth when compared to February 2023.

Transport and Warehousing (H) subsector, with a weight of 1504, experienced a 1.3% decline in production. This decrease was mainly attributed to a 9.2% drop in Transport by Water (50) and a 3.2% decrease in Post and Courier Activities (53). On the other hand, Information-Communication (J) showed a positive trend, with a 0.2% increase in production, driven by the growth in Telecommunications (61) and Information Services (63).

While the Accommodation-Restaurant (I) sector saw a marginal 0.2% increase in production, the Real Estate (L) sector experienced an 0.8% rise. The Support for Business Activities (M+N) sector recorded a 0.9% decline, with Activities of Scientific and Technical Nature (M) being the major contributor to the drop, declining by 0.9%.

Despite these fluctuations, the overall services sector remains robust with a positive trend of 4.6% compared to the same period last year, indicating steady progress in France’s service industry.



