Australia’s Lending Indicators Show Mixed Performance in June 2023

The latest lending indicators released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) reveal a mixed performance in the lending landscape for June 2023. The data covers new borrower-accepted finance commitments for housing, personal, and business loans, shedding light on the borrowing trends in the country.

Housing Finance:

The housing sector experienced a slight setback as new loan commitments for housing fell by 1.0% in June. The total value of housing loans reached $24.6 billion, indicating a cautious approach from homebuyers amid economic uncertainties. Owner-occupier housing loans dropped by 2.8%, while investor housing loans increased by 2.6%. Despite the dip in activity, investor loans were still 15.0% lower compared to the previous year.

Personal Finance:

The personal finance category showed notable fluctuations in June. Fixed-term personal finance saw a significant decline of 6.8% after witnessing a rise of 9.2% in May. However, personal loans for travel and holidays surged by 6.5%, reaching the highest level since October 2018. On the other hand, personal investment loans experienced a sharp decline of 27.6%, reflecting uncertainty in the personal finance sector.

Business Finance:

Business finance indicators presented a mixed picture. The value of new loan commitments for business construction fell by 12.3% in June. However, in trend terms, it showed a slight improvement with a rise of 0.8%. Similarly, business loans for the purchase of property fell by 11.4% but trended upward by 1.3%. These business-related indicators can experience volatile month-to-month movements due to the influence of small numbers of high-value loans.

Economists and analysts have pointed out that the dip in lending indicators could be attributed to factors such as economic uncertainties, supply chain disruptions, and rising interest rates. The recent global economic recovery and efforts by the Australian government to support businesses and individuals during the pandemic have likely contributed to the mixed lending trends.

Despite the challenges, experts remain cautiously optimistic about the economic outlook. The ABS data for June 2023 reveals that while housing loans faced a decline, investor interest in the property market shows signs of revival. Additionally, the boost in loans for travel and holidays suggests a willingness among consumers to spend, potentially supporting various sectors of the economy.

It is essential for policymakers and financial institutions to closely monitor lending trends to ensure that borrowing remains sustainable and aligned with the broader economic goals. As Australia navigates through the post-pandemic era, responsible lending practices and strategic policies will play a crucial role in fostering economic growth and stability.

The ABS is expected to continue monitoring lending indicators closely, with the next release scheduled for the coming months. These indicators will offer valuable insights into the resilience and adaptability of the Australian economy amid changing global and domestic conditions.



