Public Opinion Snapshot: UK’s Concerns and Financial Realities

The latest insights from the Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) provide a glimpse into the social pulse of Great Britain. From July 26 to August 6, 2023, the survey captured the sentiments of adults across the nation, shedding light on their views on important issues, financial struggles, and daily life adjustments.

Here’s a breakdown of the key findings:

  • Top Concerns: Unsurprisingly, the cost of living emerged as the foremost concern, with a whopping 93% of respondents citing it. The National Health Service (NHS) followed closely at 85%, while the economy (72%), climate change and the environment (69%), and housing (61%) also featured prominently.
  • Rising Rent and Mortgage Payments: Almost half (47%) of those currently paying rent or a mortgage reported an increase in their housing costs over the past six months. The financial squeeze is evident, with nearly 4 in 10 (38%) finding it challenging to afford these payments—a notable rise from 29% in August 2022.
  • Squeezed Budgets: Over half (56%) of adults felt the pinch of the increasing cost of living compared to a month ago. In response to this financial strain, 69% said they were cutting back on non-essentials, 53% were becoming savvier shoppers, and 51% were conserving energy at home.
  • Access to Healthcare: Accessing healthcare wasn’t without its challenges. Almost 4 in 10 (37%) adults who tried to contact a GP practice in the last month found it difficult, while 42% found it easy.

These insights offer a window into the daily experiences of people across Great Britain, revealing the impacts of economic changes and societal concerns on their lives.

What’s Next: As part of the ongoing effort to understand public opinions and social trends, the next release of data is scheduled for August 25, 2023. This continuing study provides a valuable perspective on the changing landscape of the UK’s society and the challenges people face in their everyday lives.



