Russian invasion of Ukraine prompts active period for Finnish Military Intelligence

The Finnish Military Intelligence Review 2023 offers an update on the country’s operating environment, specifically regarding the impact of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. The review highlights the importance of military intelligence in providing early warning on potential military events and threats facing the country. The Finnish Defence Forces aim to secure the livelihood and basic rights of the population, defend the rule of law, and maintain the freedom of action of the government. The review emphasizes the functional and proportional powers provided in the Act on Military Intelligence. The Finnish military intelligence system has succeeded in providing intelligence analysis with more comprehensive material than before. Despite becoming more public, national security concerns require that certain details remain secret. Protecting the organization and personnel against intelligence and countermeasures by foreign intelligence agencies is critical, particularly in the current situation. The first Finnish Military Intelligence Review, published in spring 2021, signaled that something unconventional or different was about to happen. The review concludes by acknowledging the importance of military intelligence in the current volatile international situation and quickly culminating threats.



