INSEE projections show France’s working population to decrease from 2040

According to the latest projections from INSEE, the working population in France will continue to grow slightly over the next two decades, rising from 30.1 million in 2021 to 30.5 million in 2040, before decreasing to 29.2 million in 2070. The decline after 2040 is due to a decrease in the working-age population, which is in line with recent population projections. The total population will slightly increase by 2070, but the population will continue to age. The number of people aged 70 or over will increase by 5.2 million with the arrival of baby-boom generations, while the number of people under 70 will decrease by 3.1 million.

Pension reforms in the past will contribute to an increase in the activity rates of older people aged 60 to 69. In particular, the activity rate of people aged 60-64 will continue to increase, reaching a plateau of 58% around 2040, 20 points higher than in 2021, which is the end of the ramp-up of the 2014 reform.

However, the higher proportion of older people aged 70 or more, with very low participation rates, will offset the increase in participation of those affected by past pension reforms, and the projected participation rate of people aged 55 or more will stabilize at around 25%.

The growth of the labor force over the next decades is revised downwards compared to the previous projection exercise in 2017, where the labor force increased every year until 2070, reaching 32.4 million. This revision is linked to the revision of the working-age population, while there is little revision of labor force participation patterns.



