Investment Survey Data Shows Mixed Trends in Denmark’s Service Sector for 2022-2023

  1. Services: The investment in Services seems to be decreasing over time. It is 21 in 2022 but drops to 16 in 2023. However, the final figures for 2023 are not available, so it’s not clear if this trend continues or changes.
  2. Transport: The investment in the Transport sector appears to be decreasing in 2023 for Land transport and others (49) and Transport (49-53) industries. However, the survey indicates an increase in investment in the Travel agent activities (79) subsector.
  3. Tourism: The Tourism sector seems to have mixed trends. While there is a decrease in investment in the Hotels and similar accommodation (55) and Restaurants (56) subsectors, there is a considerable increase in the Travel agent activities (79) subsector.
  4. Communication and Information: The Communication and Information sector exhibits an increase in investment, particularly in the Information technology service activities (62) subsector.
  5. Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate: The Finance, Insurance, and Real Estate sector presents a decrease in investment overall. However, there is an increase in investment in the Real estate activities (68) subsector in 2023.
  6. Consultancy, Research, and Others: The Consultancy, Research, and Others sector displays a decrease in investment in 2023.
  7. Cleaning and Other Operational Services: The Cleaning and Other Operational Services sector shows a decrease in investment in 2023. However, the Services to buildings, cleaning, and landscape activities (81) subsector records a significant increase.
  8. Arts, Recreation, and Other Services: The Arts, Recreation, and Other Services sector presents mixed trends. There is a decrease in investment in the Arts, sports, and recreation activities (90-93) subsector, but an increase in the Other service activities (94-95) subsector.

Overall, the survey data shows that investment trends in the different sectors vary, with some experiencing increases and others decreases. It is crucial to note that the trends could change, and there are subsectors that record increases even when their respective sectors record a decrease.



