Truck Toll Mileage Index in March 2023: Month-on-Month Decrease of 2.6%

In March 2023, the mileage of trucks subject to tolls with at least four axles on federal highways in Germany decreased by 2.6% compared to February 2023, after calendar and seasonal adjustments. According to the Federal Office of Logistics and Mobility (BALM) and the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the seasonally adjusted truck toll mileage index also decreased by 3.8% compared to March 2022. The truck mileage on highways serves as an early indicator of current economic activity in the manufacturing sector, with a strong correlation between the truck toll mileage index and economic activity, particularly the production index in the manufacturing sector. The truck toll mileage index is considered a leading indicator of economic trends as it is available about a month earlier than other production indices. In addition to the monthly index, an experimental daily truck toll mileage index for Germany is also published as part of the “Pulsmesser Wirtschaft” (economic pulse monitor) tool, which allows for real-time monitoring of economic trends using high-frequency indicators. The truck toll mileage index is based on digital process data generated during the collection of tolls, and it is developed by the Federal Office of Logistics and Mobility, while the Federal Statistical Office prepares it as a seasonally adjusted economic indicator for Germany and its federal states. More detailed data on truck toll mileage, such as breakdowns by registration state or emission classes, are also available through the BALM’s publication program.



