Category: germany

  • Germany’s Hospitality Industry Anticipates 2.6% Real Growth in 2023 Compared to 2022

    According to estimates from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), Germany’s hospitality industry is expected to witness a 2.6% increase in real (price-adjusted) turnover in 2023 compared to 2022. The nominal (non-price-adjusted) turnover is projected to surge by 9.6% during the same period. The yearly comparison reveals an overall positive trend, primarily attributed to substantial real…

  • German Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Decreases by 0.3% in 2023

    According to initial calculations by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), the price-adjusted Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in Germany was 0.3% lower in 2023 compared to the previous year. When adjusted for calendar effects, the economic decline was 0.1%. Ruth Brand, speaking at the “Gross Domestic Product 2023 for Germany” press conference in Berlin, noted, “The…

  • Germany Records 1.02 Million Deaths in 2023, December Mortality Down 7%

    In 2023, Germany reported approximately 1.02 million deaths, marking a 4% decrease compared to the previous year, with December mortality figures notably 7% below the four-year average. These findings, based on a special evaluation by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), come after years of anticipating a rise in mortality due to an aging population. The…

  • German Employment Continues Slight Rise in November 2023

    Detailed Analysis: In November 2023, Germany recorded a continued increase in employment, with approximately 46.1 million individuals holding jobs. The seasonally adjusted data showed a marginal rise of 19,000 individuals (0.0%) compared to the previous month, where October 2023 exhibited a similar increase after three consecutive months of decline. However, the overall level of employment,…

  • Autumn Sowing 2024 in Germany: Winter Grain Area Decreases by Nearly 4%

    German agricultural enterprises have sown winter grains on 4.9 million hectares of arable land for the 2024 harvest, according to the Statistical Federal Office (Destatis). Compared to the previous year, this represents a decrease of 3.9% or 196,500 hectares. The key insights are as follows: The declines are attributed to moist soils during sowing, resulting…

  • Decrease in Winter Grain Sowing for 2024 Harvest: Nearly 4% Less Winter Crops in Germany

    German agricultural enterprises sowed winter crops for the upcoming 2024 harvest on 4.9 million hectares of arable land in the fall of 2023. According to the Statistical Federal Office (Destatis), this represents a reduction in the sowing area for winter crops by 196,500 hectares (-3.9%) compared to the cultivation area in 2023. Winter crops include…

  • Germany Experiences Nearly 4% Decrease in Winter Crops for 2024 Harvest

    The autumn of 2023 saw German agricultural enterprises sowing winter crops on 4.9 million hectares of arable land for the upcoming 2024 harvest season. According to the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), this represents a reduction in sowing area for winter crops by 196,500 hectares or 3.9% compared to the cultivation area in 2023. Winter…

  • Decline in German Import Prices Continues in November 2023

    In November 2023, Germany experienced a 9.0% year-on-year drop in import prices, according to a report by the Statistisches Bundesamt (Destatis). This follows a trend of consecutive declines, influenced significantly by a base effect resulting from substantial price increases in the previous year. Notably, energy imports played a pivotal role, witnessing a substantial 31.7% decrease…

  • Germany: SMTP Smuggling Exploits Email Systems for Social Engineering

    On December 18, the cybersecurity firm SEC Consult revealed details about a new attack technique involving “Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Smuggling.” In SMTP Smuggling, attackers leverage variations in how different SMTP implementations interpret the end-of-message marking in an email. This allows them to send emails that, when processed by a vulnerable email system, get…

  • Germany: Statistical Review of 2023

    In its 75th anniversary year, the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) reflects on the year through over 600 press releases, encapsulating the “world in numbers.” Here’s a statistical overview of key events: January: Population Reaches Record High February: Rising Construction Costs and Stalled Housing March: German Economy Stagnates April: Shutdown of Last German Nuclear Power Plants…

  • 28% Women Representation in the Professoriate in Germany, 2022

    At the outset of academic careers, women are slightly overrepresented; however, their presence steadily declines as they progress through the academic hierarchy. According to the latest data from the Statistical Federal Office (Destatis), women dominate among first-year students and successful graduates in the academic year 2022/2023, accounting for 52% and 53%, respectively. However, this majority…

  • Mortality Figures in Germany for November 2023 Up by +1% Within the Mid-Range of Previous Years

    November 2023 saw an estimated 88,017 deaths in Germany, aligning closely with the mid-range (median) of 2019-2022 (+1%). Weekly figures at the start of the month slightly exceeded the average (+4%). The comparison accounts for a new seasonal pattern linked to ongoing respiratory disease prevalence from the COVID-19 pandemic. Compared to November 2019, mortality in…

  • Germany’s November 2023 Death Figures Show a 1% Increase in Line with Historical Averages

    In a recent report, Germany’s Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) revealed that 88,017 people passed away in November 2023. This number falls within the median range of the years 2019 to 2022 for the same month, showing a marginal 1% increase. Analyzing weekly data, early November reported a slight 4% rise compared to the previous years,…

  • BSI Issues New Networking Standards to Enhance Cybersecurity Measures

    The German Federal Cyber Agency (BSI) has recently unveiled study focusing on Software-Defined Networking (SDN), an approach to network management. The study provides valuable insights and recommendations to fortify cybersecurity measures in an era of evolving digital threats. Key Findings: This BSI study comes as a timely contribution to the ongoing efforts to strengthen cybersecurity…

  • Electricity Generation in Germany: A Fifth Less Power in Q3 2023 Compared to Last Year

    In the third quarter of 2023, Germany generated and fed into the grid 94.2 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity, according to preliminary results from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). This marks a 20.3% decrease compared to the same quarter in 2022. The decline is attributed to reduced electricity demand due to the economic slowdown in energy-intensive…

  • German Exports Experience Marginal Dip in October 2023 Amid Global Economic Flux

    In the wake of economic uncertainties, Germany’s export performance exhibited a slight contraction in October 2023, with a 0.2% decrease compared to September 2023. According to preliminary data from the Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis), this dip was mirrored in imports, which saw a 1.2% decline over the same period. The global economic landscape continues to influence…

  • Sweet News for Germany: 12.9 Kilograms of Chocolate Per Person Produced in 2022

    As the holiday season kicks off, Germany indulges its sweet tooth, with a staggering 1.09 million tons of chocolate confections produced in 2022, marking a 1.3% increase from the previous year. According to the latest data from the Statistische Bundesamt (Destatis), this translates to a mouthwatering 12.9 kilograms of chocolate per person, approximately equivalent to…

  • Germany: Facts about Advent: Import of Christmas Trees in 2022 Declines by -24.5% Compared to Previous Year

    The German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) has released insights into the Advent season and the upcoming Christmas period. The import of fresh Christmas trees to Germany continued to decline in 2022. A total of 1.8 million trees were imported, marking a 24.5% decrease compared to the previous year. This also represents a significant drop of…

  • Retail Sales in Germany Rise by 1.1% in October 2023

    According to preliminary data from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), retail sales in Germany experienced a 1.1% increase in real (seasonally and calendar-adjusted) terms and a 0.7% increase in nominal (not seasonally adjusted) terms in October 2023 compared to September 2023. However, in a year-on-year comparison with October 2022, the retail sector saw a slight…

  • German Import and Export Prices – October 2023

    In October 2023, German import prices experienced a substantial year-on-year decrease of 13.0%, with a marginal increase of 0.3% compared to the previous month. Conversely, export prices saw a 2.4% decline year-on-year and a slight dip of 0.1% from the previous month. Import Prices: Export Prices: Methodological Note: