Germany-Russia Trade Plunges: Russian Imports to Germany Down by 91% in February 2023 Amidst Conflict in Ukraine

Germany’s trade relationship with Russia has been severely impacted by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, resulting in a significant decline in imports. In February 2023, German imports from Russia plummeted by 91% compared to the previous year, totaling just 0.3 billion euros, down from 3.7 billion euros in February 2022. This sharp decline in trade has caused Russia to fall from 11th place to 46th place in the ranking of Germany’s major suppliers of goods. The latest data from the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) highlights the diminishing importance of Russia as a trade partner for Germany since the start of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine on 24 February 2022, with Germany recording its first export surplus in trade with Russia since December 2020.



