Germany’s New Building Energy Law to Require 65% Renewable Energy for New Heaters from 2024

The German government is taking steps to promote the use of renewable energy in heating systems by implementing a new building energy law that will require newly installed heating systems to be powered by at least 65% renewable energy sources starting from January 1, 2024. Existing heating systems will not be affected and can continue to be used and repaired. The new law will also provide generous transition periods and exceptions, as well as comprehensive support for individuals who want to upgrade their heating systems.

The modernization of the building energy law is part of a larger initiative to promote the shift towards renewable energy sources and accelerate the transition towards sustainable heating systems. German Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, Robert Habeck, emphasized that the goal is to promote sustainable heating systems for new installations.

The German government hopes to encourage citizens to make sustainable choices when upgrading their heating systems as heating systems usually last 20-30 years. The government will also provide support and funding to ease the financial burden of replacing heating systems. The new law is designed to be socially responsible, economically viable, and ecologically sustainable.

The transition to renewable energy sources is crucial in combating climate change and promoting sustainability. The German government aims to achieve its climate goals by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting energy efficiency in the building sector. By implementing the new building energy law, the government hopes to encourage more citizens to switch to renewable energy sources in their heating systems and promote the use of sustainable heating practices.



