Federal Chancellor Scholz emphasizes importance of ports and logistics during visit to J. Müller AG in Brake

Federal Chancellor Scholz visited J. Müller AG in Brake, Germany on May 12, 2023. In a press statement, he highlighted the importance of the country’s ports and logistics industry, calling it “hard work” but crucial for Germany’s success as one of the most successful export nations in the world.

Scholz also emphasized the need for developing new possibilities in relation to traditional exports and imports, particularly in light of the country’s efforts to convert its energy infrastructure to operate in a CO2-neutral manner. He acknowledged the role of ports and waterways in transporting goods related to this large-scale project.

Furthermore, Scholz praised the hardworking people at J. Müller AG and their contribution to making the country work well. He expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to visit and engage in a conversation with the company.

The Chancellor’s visit highlights the significance of the logistics industry and ports for Germany’s economy and future goals. It also shows the government’s commitment to supporting and investing in this sector to maintain its competitiveness and adapt to changing global demands.




