Positive Employment Trend Persists: Germany Sees Continued Growth in 1st Quarter of 2023

WIESBADEN – The positive trend in employment in Germany continued in the first quarter of 2023, with a 0.3% rise in seasonally adjusted employment, according to provisional calculations by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). This increase amounts to an additional 150,000 people employed, following similar increases in the previous quarters. The total number of people in employment reached approximately 45.6 million.

However, without seasonal adjustment, the number of persons in employment decreased by 305,000, or 0.7%, on the fourth quarter of 2022, which is a usual seasonal phenomenon. This decrease was slightly lower than the average of the three pre-crisis years 2017 to 2019.

Compared to the same quarter of the previous year, there was an overall increase of 1.0% in the number of people employed. The positive trend in employment development is set to continue, providing an optimistic outlook for the German economy.

Detailed data and long time series on persons in employment for Germany are available in the GENESIS-Online database. More information can be found in the tables on national accounts of the Federation and on the labor market.




