Summary: Government Press Conference on July 17, 2023

Topics: Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Change’s trip to India, Migration agreement between the EU and Tunisia, Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, Violent incidents and security situation in swimming pools, Polish law on the expansion of the Oder River, Immediate measures due to the Climate Protection Act, Development of gas prices, NATO’s Two Percent Target.

In the government press conference held on July 17, 2023, several key topics were addressed. Minister Habeck is set to travel to India with a delegation of parliamentarians and business representatives. The EU’s migration agreement with Tunisia was discussed, with the German government stressing the need to protect human rights and vulnerable groups.

The ongoing Russian aggression against Ukraine was noted, with the government condemning the attack on the Krim Bridge. Germany also appealed to Russia to extend the grain agreement to prevent further harm to vulnerable populations.

Regarding the Climate Protection Act, the government clarified that additional climate measures have been introduced, and it emphasized the importance of lawful means to achieve climate goals.

The situation concerning the expansion and recultivation of the Oder River was mentioned, with Germany urging Poland to halt further expansion as the Oder’s ecosystem is already under strain.

Lastly, the government reaffirmed its commitment to NATO’s Two Percent Target and Germany’s efforts to enhance its military capabilities in line with the target.

Overall, the press conference covered a range of important topics, highlighting Germany’s stance on various international and domestic issues.



