Economic Transformation and Climate Neutrality: Conference Held at the Federal Chancellery in Germany

On the 19th of June 2023, Wolfgang Schmidt, the Chief of the Federal Chancellery, invited economists and experts to the Federal Chancellery for a conference titled “Ökonomie der Zeitenwende” (Economics of the Turning Point). During this full-day event, participants engaged in eight distinct panels to discuss the economic and financial implications of the ongoing transformation towards climate neutrality for the German economy.

Throughout the conference, representatives from academia and the German government took the stage in various thematic panels to engage in discussions both amongst themselves and with the audience, which was also composed of experts from the scientific and governmental spheres. Two keynote speeches set the framework for the event, and the panels delved into specific topics within this context. The occasion provided an invaluable opportunity for all parties involved to gain insights, understand diverse perspectives, and outline potential solutions to address shared challenges. The success of the conference has prompted plans to organize a follow-up event next year with a modified agenda to further strengthen and institutionalize the exchange between the scientific community and the federal government.

The event’s detailed program can be found here (PDF, 54 KB, not barrier-free).

For comprehensive reports on the content of the conference, please visit the Bundesministerium der Finanzen (Federal Ministry of Finance) website.



