Closing the Last Dead Zones: How Germany Plans to Achieve Comprehensive Mobile Coverage

Germany is taking significant strides towards achieving a nationwide and comprehensive mobile phone network as the federal government establishes the Mobile Infrastructure Company (MIG). The primary objective of MIG is to close existing mobile phone dead zones and ensure that the latest mobile phone standard, 5G, is available in all areas where people live, work, and travel by 2030.

The German government’s commitment to expanding mobile coverage is part of its Mobile Phone Strategy, initiated in 2019. The strategy has seen remarkable progress, with 87 percent of Germany’s territory now covered by 5G, marking a notable 22 percent increase in just one year.

The MIG is set to play a crucial role in eliminating the remaining dead zones by launching a mobile phone promotion program worth 1.1 billion euros. The program aims to erect new mobile phone masts and additional infrastructure at various locations to achieve comprehensive coverage with a minimum of 4G.

An important aspect of MIG’s mission is to serve regions that have been neglected by private companies and mobile phone providers. These regions, known as “white spots,” lack expansion plans due to limited profitability. The MIG will focus on providing support and funding to develop the mobile phone infrastructure in these areas, ensuring equal access to mobile communication for all citizens.

The mobile phone promotion program covers the costs of site development, mobile phone mast installation, and ongoing maintenance. The funds are granted as non-repayable subsidies, with only the rental income from the sites deducted from the total funding amount.

The MIG’s seven-year funding period focuses on the development of “passive” infrastructure, including the establishment of mobile phone masts and their connection to high-performance fiber optic networks. The approach prioritizes sustainability and future-readiness, enabling the new infrastructure to support the introduction of 5G, a vastly improved mobile phone standard.

While the MIG takes responsibility for passive infrastructure, the active infrastructure, including the concrete transmission and reception technology, remains the duty of mobile phone network operators. These operators will finance and maintain the active infrastructure to ensure seamless voice and data transmission in 4G in the future.

The successful implementation of the nationwide mobile phone expansion requires collaborative efforts from various stakeholders. The MIG’s regional teams, based in Naumburg (Saale), work closely with municipalities, associations, and private landowners to determine suitable locations for new mobile phone masts. The projects prioritize environmental and health considerations while striving to establish a comprehensive and inclusive mobile communication network. A wide network of experts supports the MIG’s efforts in raising awareness and fostering dialogue to ensure sustainable and future-proof mobile coverage for all citizens.



