Construction of Electricity Highways (Stromautobahnen) Begins in Germany

The German Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Robert Habeck, has marked the beginning of the construction of the first converter station for the future “SuedLink” electricity highway in collaboration with the transmission system operator, TransnetBW. The “SuedLink” and “SuedOstLink” projects are set to enable the transportation of significant amounts of wind power to Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg, starting from 2027/28. How is the expansion of the electricity grid progressing?

In a speech at the inauguration ceremony for the construction of the “SuedLink” converter station at the Leingarten substation near Heilbronn, Minister Habeck emphasized the need for faster progress in expanding the electricity grid. He highlighted that over the next two decades, Germany requires thousands of additional kilometers of electricity transmission lines, and these must be planned, approved, and built as swiftly as possible.

The “SuedLink” converter is scheduled to begin operations in 2026, making an essential contribution to grid stability in Baden-Württemberg even before the “SuedLink” comes into operation in 2028. The “SuedLink” project involves the construction of a approximately 700 kilometers long high-voltage direct current connection, running from Brunsbüttel in Schleswig-Holstein to Großgartach in Baden-Württemberg.

Simultaneously, the construction of the converter station for the “SuedOstLink” project in Wolmirstedt near Magdeburg is also entering its realization phase. The approximately 540 kilometers long “SuedOstLink” electricity highway is intended to reliably transport large amounts of electricity from wind farms in Saxony-Anhalt, Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, as well as offshore wind farms in the north, to Bavaria starting from 2027. The “SuedOstLink” converter has received approval within seven months and is scheduled for completion by 2025. Minister Habeck praised the swift approval process at the groundbreaking ceremony in late March, and considers it a model for other electricity grid expansion projects.

The implementation of these “Stromautobahnen” (electricity highways) is a critical step in Germany’s energy transition towards greater reliance on renewable energy sources. These high-capacity transmission lines will facilitate the efficient transportation of renewable electricity across regions, helping to meet the country’s climate and energy goals while ensuring grid stability and reliability.

As construction progresses on the “SuedLink” and “SuedOstLink” projects, the German government remains committed to accelerating the expansion of the electricity grid to support the integration of renewable energy sources and secure the nation’s energy future.



