European Elections to Take Place on June 9, 2024 in Germany

The German Federal Government has officially announced that the country’s next election to the European Parliament will take place on Sunday, June 9, 2024. The decision was made during a Cabinet meeting on July 26, 2023. With this, Germany joins the rest of the European Union in preparing for the crucial electoral event.

The upcoming election marks the tenth direct election of the European Parliament since its inception in 1979. The Federal Government has expressed its hope that as many eligible voters as possible will exercise their democratic right to vote, thereby affirming their commitment to the ideals of European integration and strengthening democracy in the continent.

The election date was determined following a decision made by the European Council on May 22, 2023, stipulating that the elections would be held between June 6 and June 9, 2024, across all EU member states.

Explaining the selection of June 9, 2024, as the official election day for Germany, a government spokesperson pointed to the legal requirement that the election of German Members of the European Parliament must take place on either a Sunday or a public holiday. Consequently, June 9, 2024, emerged as the most suitable date.

In an unprecedented move, the German Federal Government has extended the voting rights to include Union citizens who are 16 years old or older on the day of the election. This expansion of voter eligibility aims to encourage more participation from the youth and further enhance democratic engagement in the electoral process. Alongside German citizens, there are approximately 66 million eligible voters in the country, and a staggering 350 million eligible voters across the entire EU.

Regarding the electoral system, Germany will adhere to the principles of proportional representation with list proposals. Voters will be presented with lists of candidates from various political parties, and the seats in the European Parliament will be allocated based on the proportion of votes each party receives. With Germany being one of the largest member states, it holds significant influence, with 96 Members of the European Parliament representing the nation’s interests.

Notably, since 2014, there is no longer any electoral threshold in Germany, meaning parties do not need to surpass a minimum percentage of votes to secure representation. This system allows for a more diverse and inclusive political landscape, enabling smaller parties to have a voice in the European Parliament.

The Federal Government has urged citizens to take part actively in the electoral process and make their voices heard. As the European Union faces various challenges and decisions in the coming years, the European Elections in 2024 will serve as a crucial platform for citizens to shape the future of the EU and influence its policies.

As the date draws nearer, political parties and candidates are expected to intensify their campaigns, vying for the support of the German electorate. The entire European Union will be closely watching as Germany and other member states head to the polls in June 2024, determining the course of the EU’s future.



