Germany Introduces Measures to Counter Medication Supply Shortages

In response to increasing shortages of certain medications, the German government is taking action to ensure a stable supply of essential drugs, including cancer medications and fever reducers for children. The recently implemented Arzneimittel-Lieferengpassbekämpfungs- und Versorgungsverbesserungsgesetz (Medication Shortage Prevention and Supply Improvement Act) aims to address these challenges through a range of incentives, early-warning systems, and new pharmacy regulations.

Strengthening Manufacturing in Europe

To tackle supply shortages, diversifying the sources of pharmaceutical manufacturers is crucial. The government intends to boost the presence of European drug manufacturers, particularly in the case of antibiotics. Health insurance providers will now be obligated to consider manufacturers within the EU and the European Economic Area when making discount contracts for antibiotics.

Streamlining Medication Exchange and Stockholding

A new regulation simplifies the exchange of medications in pharmacies. In cases where a specific drug is unavailable, pharmacists will be allowed to provide an equivalent medication with the same active ingredient. As an incentive for facilitating such exchanges, pharmacies and wholesalers will receive additional compensation.

To prevent shortages of crucial medications, certain drugs will be stockpiled in larger quantities than before. Hospital pharmacies, for instance, will maintain a safety buffer to address potential shortages.

Establishing an Early Warning System

The Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices will establish a Frühwarnsystem (early warning system) to proactively detect impending medication shortages. This system will grant the institute increased access to information from manufacturers and hospital pharmacies to promptly respond to potential supply challenges.

By implementing these measures, the German government aims to fortify medication supply chains and alleviate the impact of shortages, ultimately ensuring a more reliable and stable provision of vital medications in the country.



