German Bank Codes: An In-depth Look into the System and Updates – August 4, 2023

In the realm of financial transactions and payment services, the intricacies of German bank codes, or Bankleitzahlen, take center stage. The latest information released sheds light on the Bankleitzahlendatei, the bank code file, and the Bankleitzahlen Change Service. In addition, the newsletter provides an overview of the Bankleitzahlensuche, the bank code search function available in the service section.

Foundations and Purpose

German domestic payment service providers engaged in financial transactions bear distinct identification through bank codes assigned in accordance with an agreement between the banking sector and the Deutsche Bundesbank, the central bank of Germany. The responsibility for the allocation, modification, and removal of bank codes lies with the Deutsche Bundesbank.

As of the validity date of June 3, 2013, an enhancement has been introduced to the Bankleitzahlendatei – the addition of a new Field 14, known as “Identifier for IBAN Rule.” To ease the transition for users, the Bankleitzahlendatei will be available in two versions: one unaltered version and another version featuring the new Identifier for IBAN Rule.

The definitive Bankleitzahlen Change Service for both versions is accessible to payment service providers via secure download through the Deutsche Bundesbank’s ExtraNet. Moreover, market participants beyond payment service providers, such as software providers and interested payment service users, can register for the ExtraNet. Registration details can be sent via email, providing name, address, and contact number to

For the convenience of other users, the Deutsche Bundesbank will also provide the version of Bankleitzahlendatei without the new Field 14 on the internet. It is essential to adhere to the guidelines provided in the imprint when utilizing the Bankleitzahlendatei. Access to the enhanced Bankleitzahlendatei is exclusively available through the ExtraNet.

Updates and Guidelines

Alterations, deletions, and corrections to the Bankleitzahlendatei and the Interbankenband (IBAN to bank code conversion) must be communicated to the Deutsche Bundesbank by payment service providers through the appropriate forms. The PC forms provided are specifically designed for this purpose.

Once the forms are filled, payment service providers should submit printed applications to the relevant Deutsche Bundesbank branch – either directly or through their central institution. Similarly, change notifications for the Interbankenband should follow the prescribed reporting route to DG-Verlag, Wiesbaden, Bank-Verlag, Cologne, or the appropriate Bundesbank branch.

Bankleitzahlen-Richtlinie and Structure

Guidelines governing the structure of bank codes, their assignment, and the administration of the Bankleitzahlendatei are outlined in the Bankleitzahlen-Richtlinie (Bank Code Directive), jointly agreed upon by the banking sector and Deutsche Bundesbank. Adherence to these regulations is crucial when filling out applications.

A condensed overview of the bank code structure, along with the layout of the Bankleitzahlendatei, is provided in an information sheet for users beyond payment service providers. In its appendix, this sheet also offers insights into the structure of the Bankleitzahlendatei records.

Update Schedule and BIC Derivation

Quarterly updates to the bank code records, in coordination with leading associations within the German banking sector, occur on the Monday following the first Saturday of March, June, September, and December. The files encompassing data valid from September 4, 2023, to December 3, 2023, are currently accessible. Necessary files for the subsequent change service by December 4, 2023, will be available for download in November 2023 at the same location. The deadline for submission is October 18, 2023.

As outlined by SEPA regulations, while the BIC (Bank Identifier Code) is no longer required for Euro payments within the EU, the Interbanken-Clearing still necessitates its use. Therefore, payment service providers must derive the BIC from the bank identifier present in the IBAN (International Bank Account Number). The Bankleitzahlendatei serves this purpose.

Efforts to maintain the accuracy of the Bankleitzahlendatei have resulted in the inclusion of fields that can be disregarded during BIC derivation. Specifically, Fields 1 (Bankleitzahl), 2 (Indicator whether the bank code-leading payment service provider), 8 (Business Identifier Code – BIC), and 11 (Modification Indicator) are relevant.

The comprehensive details about these fields and their functions can be found in the “Merkblatt Bankleitzahlendatei” (Information Sheet on Bankleitzahlendatei). This extensive resource provides insights into the intricacies of the system.



