Germany’s Takeoff Towards a Bright Future

Chancellor Olaf Scholz inaugurated the National Aviation Conference in Hamburg with a resounding message: “Flying connects Germany to the world.” He emphasized the vital role aviation and air freight play in Germany’s high-tech sector and its economy. He also highlighted Germany’s leadership in environmentally friendly aviation technologies.

Chancellor Scholz declared, “International air travel is inconceivable without Germany. Virtually no aircraft worldwide operates without components manufactured in Germany. Every sixth commercial aircraft is assembled in Germany.”

He praised the government’s support for the aviation industry during the COVID-19 pandemic, calling it the right decision. Scholz emphasized that the aviation sector is integral to Germany, and solidarity pays off, especially during challenging times. He affirmed that the aviation industry is now experiencing a resurgence, saying, “The aviation industry has emerged stronger from the crisis, and it is thriving today.”

Scholz also addressed the need for skilled professionals in the aviation sector, stating, “Companies in the aviation industry employ hundreds of thousands of people in well-paying and secure jobs.” To meet this demand for skilled workers, he stressed the importance of making it easier for professionals from other countries to come to Germany. He noted that the new Skilled Workers Immigration Act has been passed for this purpose, calling it “the most modern immigration law Germany has ever had.” He concluded, “With a strong industry, a modern medium-sized sector, and the best professionals, we are taking off into a promising new era.”

Scholz also outlined the challenges facing the entire industry, highlighting the overarching goal: “By 2045, we aim to become carbon-neutral while maintaining our position as a successful industrial nation.” He stressed that industry and politics share a joint responsibility in this endeavor. Scholz cited the German aviation industry’s leadership in environmentally friendly technologies, including carbon-neutral fuels, electric aircraft, hydrogen propulsion, and efficient turbines for the use of carbon-neutral fuels. He stated, “We can prove that the production of carbon-neutral fuels is viable in Germany.”

In terms of fair competition, Chancellor Scholz made it clear that distortions in competition would not be tolerated, particularly concerning competition from non-European sources. He stated, “That’s why we advocate for rules to detect and prevent carbon leakage early.”

Bundeswirtschaftsminister (Federal Minister for Economic Affairs) Robert Habeck also addressed the issue of carbon leakage in his speech in Hamburg, emphasizing the need for international agreements to prevent it. EU regulations require airlines to increase the blending of expensive, eco-friendly fuels gradually. The industry is concerned about potential disadvantages compared to airlines from other parts of the world without these requirements.

Regarding infrastructure, Scholz asserted, “If hydrogen is to replace gas, coal, and oil in Germany, we need a substantial supply.” He announced plans for the construction of a hydrogen pipeline infrastructure later this year, involving significant investments and long-term projects. These infrastructures are essential to lower energy costs, as Scholz emphasized, “Clean and affordable energy determines our economic location.”

Scholz also mentioned the importance of acceleration, advocating for the removal of legal regulations that hinder swift action. This is also the aim of the Germany Pact. In conclusion, the Chancellor reaffirmed, “The aviation industry in Germany has a very promising future.”



