Germany’s Exports Show Resilience with 1.2% Growth in April 2023; Imports Decline by 1.7%

In April 2023, German exports experienced a growth of 1.2% compared to the previous month, reaching a value of €130.4 billion. This also represented a 1.5% increase compared to April 2022. On the other hand, imports decreased by 1.7% from the previous month, totaling €112.0 billion, and exhibited a significant decline of 10.3% compared to the same month last year.

The foreign trade balance for April 2023, after considering calendar and seasonal adjustments, showed a surplus of €18.4 billion. This surplus was higher than the previous month’s surplus of €14.9 billion and significantly larger than the surplus of €3.6 billion recorded in April 2022.

When considering trade with European Union (EU) countries, Germany exported goods valued at €71.4 billion to EU member states in April 2023. In the same period, imports from these countries amounted to €59.1 billion. Exports to EU countries increased by 4.5% compared to March 2023, while imports from EU countries decreased by 0.4%. Within the EU, Germany exported goods worth €49.9 billion to euro area countries, representing a 4.4% increase, while imports from these countries reached €38.9 billion, indicating a decline of 1.7%. Furthermore, Germany exported goods valued at €21.4 billion to EU countries outside the euro area, reflecting a 4.8% increase, while imports from these countries totaled €20.1 billion, showing a 2.1% increase.

Regarding trade with non-EU countries, Germany exported goods worth €59.0 billion to countries outside the EU in April 2023, while imports from these countries amounted to €52.9 billion. Exports to third countries decreased by 2.4% compared to the previous month, and imports from third countries decreased by 3.0%.

The United States was the largest recipient of German exports in April 2023. Exports to the United States increased by 4.7% from the previous month, reaching €13.1 billion. Exports to the People’s Republic of China also experienced substantial growth, increasing by 10.1% to €8.5 billion. However, exports to the United Kingdom decreased by 5.2% to €6.1 billion.

Regarding imports, the majority of goods in April 2023 originated from the People’s Republic of China, totaling €12.9 billion.



