Higher Minimum Compensation for Apprentices as Germany Strengthens Vocational Education and Training

With the start of the new training year 2023, apprentices in their first year of training in Germany will receive a higher minimum compensation. The minimum wage will be increased from 585 euros to 620 euros per month, providing a boost of 35 euros monthly. The move is part of the German government’s efforts to enhance the quality and attractiveness of vocational education and training, aiming to encourage more young people to pursue apprenticeships.

Youth and young adults embarking on their training journeys are viewed as the future skilled workforce and are seen as crucial “in the fight against the shortage of skilled workers,” according to Federal Minister of Education Bettina Stark-Watzinger.

The gradual increase in the minimum compensation for apprentices was established in the reformed Vocational Training Act, which came into effect on January 1, 2020. The measure aims to ensure fair remuneration and improve the overall standing of vocational education.

The Significance of the Minimum Compensation: The introduction of a minimum training compensation was a significant step for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to attract more young people to vocational education, providing them with fair financial support during their training period. Secondly, it strengthens the value of vocational training, which is essential for maintaining a skilled and qualified workforce in Germany.

Encouraging Apprenticeships: Despite the start of the new training year, there are still numerous available apprenticeship positions. To encourage more young people to seize these opportunities, the federal government, along with the states and various partners, has launched the “Summer of Vocational Training” campaign. The aim is to motivate as many young individuals as possible to begin their vocational training in companies during 2023.

Furthermore, the government consistently supports career guidance and counseling to ensure that young people are well-informed about their individual training opportunities. In addition to traditional career advisory services, young people can access digital resources like the online portal “Berufenavi,” which offers guidance for vocational orientation and a nationwide search for available apprenticeships.

The Strength of Vocational Education: Germany places a high value on vocational education, offering more than 320 dual training occupations that allow young people to utilize and develop their unique strengths and talents. Pursuing a vocational education equips them with diverse career and growth prospects. Even lesser-known apprenticeships hold great potential, making it worthwhile for individuals to remain open to new opportunities.

Government Initiatives to Support Vocational Training: The German government is committed to promoting vocational education and has introduced several initiatives to strengthen its standing:

  1. Training Guarantee: The Training Guarantee aims to grant all young people access to a comprehensive, preferably company-based vocational training. The guarantee, approved by the Federal Cabinet in late March, is intended to address the approximately 18% of young people between the ages of 20 and 34 who currently lack a formal vocational qualification.
  2. Excellence Initiative in Vocational Education: In a bid to elevate vocational education and highlight its equivalence with academic education, the government has launched the Excellence Initiative in Vocational Education. The initiative involves reinforcing career guidance in schools, including at gymnasiums, and expanding international perspectives in vocational education. This move enables young skilled workers to benefit more from global opportunities. Approximately 750 million euros have been earmarked for the Excellence Initiative until 2026.

With these measures in place, Germany remains committed to nurturing a robust and highly skilled workforce, making vocational education an attractive and rewarding pathway for young people to embark on successful careers.




