Advancements in Sustainability: German Federal Administration Progresses Towards Sustainable Practices

The German Federal Administration has made significant strides in public procurement, sustainable education, and healthcare during the first year following the enhancement of its sustainability action program. However, despite the progress in all ten designated areas, there is still considerable work ahead.

The Monitoring Report for 2021, which details the implementation status of the German government’s new Sustainability Action Program (MP N), was approved by the State Secretaries Committee for Sustainable Development on May 22, 2023. This program encompasses ten different measures, each requiring stringent adherence to sustainability guidelines over a four-year period. The federal administration plays a pivotal role in various aspects of administrative activities, including energy, climate, procurement, events, and diversity.

In an effort to align all administrative actions with sustainable principles, the German government has instituted the Sustainability Action Program. This program, known as MP N, is a vital component of the German Sustainability Strategy for the immediate federal administration. An annual monitoring report provides updates on the progress. Additionally, the program is set to undergo further development within a four-year timeframe.

The report highlights that a majority of the 120 federal administration agencies centralized their procurement in 2021. Furthermore, internal regulations for sustainable procurement are already in place across most of these agencies, in accordance with the self-imposed guidelines outlined in MP N.

Significant progress has also been made in the areas of sustainable education and healthcare. Despite practical constraints posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual training was offered and attended across various topics during the reporting year of 2021.

In the healthcare domain, regular employee assistance services were established within agencies in 2021, ensuring accessibility in terms of time, space, and personnel.

However, the areas of construction, federal properties, and mobility still require substantial attention. During the reporting period, no energy management systems were introduced to properties as required by MP N. The implementation is slated for mid-2024, contingent upon the completion of necessary preparatory work.

Regarding mobility, the majority of travel-related requirements outlined in MP N were met in 2021. However, transitioning the fleet to sustainable alternatives, along with necessary infrastructure adjustments, proves to be a significant challenge. Only eight federal agencies have introduced mandatory mobility management.

Another project, the creation of a carbon footprint as part of a carbon-neutral federal administration initiative, has commenced. Developing a dataset to calculate greenhouse gas emissions is pivotal for this undertaking. The objective is to reduce emissions and, if unavoidable, offset them.

These advancements are rooted in the comprehensive German Sustainability Strategy, which frames the implementation of the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, encompassing 17 sustainability goals. Germany’s commitment to safeguarding nature, mitigating climate impact, alleviating human suffering, and promoting societal cohesion resonates beyond national borders.



