Germany Invests in Diverse Orchestra Culture

Germany’s orchestra scene is globally renowned for its artistic diversity. To strengthen it and provide room for further development, Minister of Culture Roth is renewing the “Excellent Orchestra Landscape” program. The final round of funding focuses on sustainability and diversity.

Orchestra Musicians in Performance

Minister of Culture Roth: “We are promoting the future viability, diversity, and innovation of our orchestra culture.”

The Excellence Initiative, initiated by the federal government in 2017, aims to help orchestras reposition themselves for the future and implement outstanding and innovative projects. The program, designed for several years, is now entering its final phase. The Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media is allocating €4.8 million from her budget for this purpose.

This time, one of the main focuses of the funded projects is on sustainability and diversity. “The cultural sector can make a significant contribution to making our world more sustainable and just,” explains Minister of Culture Claudia Roth. Many orchestras and ensembles want to participate in this endeavor. However, financial and time constraints often hinder them in their daily orchestral activities. The program is designed to support them in realizing their ideas and projects related to these two themes. “In doing so, we are promoting the future viability, diversity, and innovation of our orchestra culture,” emphasizes the Minister.

“Excellent Orchestra Landscape Germany” Grant Program The program is open to publicly funded symphony and chamber orchestras as well as comparable ensembles nationwide. They can apply for up to €400,000 in grants for a project period of up to two years. The condition is that the projects are not part of the orchestras’ regular work and are conducted within Germany. Applications can be submitted until October 15, 2023. The funded projects will be selected by a panel of experts.



